Olga, of Yes Future. C/ Viladomat, 66, 08015 Barcelona
From the fashion industry to the Zero Waste movement, Olga, of Yes Future, explains the idea behind the shop, what we can find there. The Zero Waste movement is international and is starting to make a real impact in Barcelona’s retail culture, it’s goal is complete reduction of the waste generated when we consume. Yes Future has taken care of every detail, from the quality of the product to the beautiful design of the store whose clean, functional look inspires cooking and testing new, interesting products and invites shoppers to become involved in the philosophy of sustainable consumption.
#savetheplanet #healthyfood #plasticfree #zerowaste #residuzero #thelivingfood.bcn #ferment9 #pasta #organic #fuckplastic #granel #graneria #bodybalm #crueltyfree #vegan #nuts #cereal
What is your background? ¿How did you come to Yes Future?
There was a confluence of several things, on the one hand there was a restlessness to be involved at a more personal project, in line with our values. We (Olga and Alejandro her partner) wanted to feel satisfied day in and day out with what we were doing. Both of us came from fashion multinationals, nothing to do with this world of food.
The idea for the shop was created when we were flatmates, we ate organic but saw that we generated a lot a lot of waste. So we aimed to create a supermarket where you can make purchases without creating waste, which started this project.
What can we find at the shop?
Artisanal pastas, breakfast cereals, spices, dry fruits, moisturisers and cleaning and personal hygiene. Also we have Kombucha on tap so that you can fill your own bottle, I think that it is the only at a shop at Barcelona with that! We worked it out with the makers at Kombucha Valiente @kombuchalavaliente
What would recommend in the shop to impress somebody?
It depends of the person. But I think that something of personal hygiene, for example the toothpaste in a glass pot or the bamboo toothbrushes…. This tooth brushing kit that does not generate residue – for somebody that didn’t know this can be quite a surprise.
What do you like to cook?
The movement Zero Waste also is focused on what you can for yourself at home. For example, to refuse a tetrabrick of milk you can make your own plant-based milks, it tastes the same and is super easy.
What do you like best about your work?
What I like best is talking to the people. I especially like it when a person has questions and I can explain something to them, then they try it out and return letting me know what they have done and how they are advancing.
To achieve a Zero Waste lifestyle on a long-term basis we have to do take small steps, little changes day in and day out, and I really like it when a person comes in and tells me the changes they have implemented.
We do not try to only sell, but also transmit our philosophy, so we also recommend other shops to our customers, to buy some things that we do not have. The aim is to help people to make purchases that do not generate waste.

Why did you open in Sant Antoni?
We fell here. Sincerely we had intention to open in another neighbourhood, originally we did not want to open here because there were already other bulk stores and we did not want to create competition with them.
But well, I always say that everything happens for a reason, and are very happy of having fallen in Sant Antoni and have been very well received. We are so happy that we can contribute to constructing a neighbourhood with a different lifestyle.
Some other establishments that you recommend in Sant Antoni?
Ferment 9 @ferment9
For fermented foods and probiotics. They have their own laboratory where they make their own products.
The living food @thelivingfood.bcn
This shop is 100% vegan. For things that we do not have we recommend our customers to go there. They make vegan cheeses based on nuts. I recommended this shop so much for vegans and non-vegans.
Books that inspire you?
Zero Waste home by Bea Johnson
Her lifestyle is focused at not generating waste. The book is a way to introduce the Zero Waste movement to the western world where it can seem that it is only achievable if we have extra time.
Simplemente Sano by Silvia Riolobos
It is a book of healthy eating, focused around ayurveda but based a lot in cooking for yourself, something that is very bound to the Zero Waste movement. (Only in Spanish)